Patient Warming System

Patient warming system with gel pad

Patient warming device with gel pad
Мaintaining set temperature in the range during 24 h
Distributes heat evenly

Fast, effective and safe warming of patients, prevention and treatment of hypothermia and its aftereffects in pre-, intra- and post-operative period.


Features of patient warming system:

  • Maintaining set temperature in the range during 24 h
  • Distributes heat evenly
  • The system is equipped with all types of alarms that exclude any overheating
  • Flexible heating module and gel pad allow you to place the warming system on tables and beds, as well as chairs with any angle
  • Possibility to choose different gel plates in size and texture


System consists of:

1. Microprocessor control unit

  • LED display  indicating current and set temperature
  • Set temperature is maintained during 24 h
  • User settings saving
  • Sound and light warning, self-testing upon switching on and during operation
  • User warning system


2. Heating module

  • Slim and flexible, resistant to tear and treatment with disinfectants
  • Temperature sensors inside the heating module
  • Size (LхW): 1650х480 mm, 1040х480 mm


3. Gel pad

  • Distributes heat evenly
  • Anti-decubitus effect
  • Lack of stratification and preservation homogeneous gel structure
  • Made from UV-resistant materials