
What is nNO?

Measurement of the nasal Nitric Oxide (nNO) in the aspirated air from the nasal cavity has been shown to be significantly low in patients with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD)

Most nitric oxide (NO) in exhaled air originates from the nasopharyngeal aspect of the upper airways In PCD, nNO values are less than 10% of the normal values (average values found in healthy control subjects).

New nasal NO (nNO) application with NIOX VERO®

nNO is a sensitive and specific marker

for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD)

Diagnosis of PCD is often delayed or missed completely

One study reported that 70%of patients had over 50 appointments

Measurement of nNO can assist in the identification of cases of PCD and is recommended as part of the diagnostic work-up of PCD by the guidelines published by the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS).


Early diagnosis is crucial to try to minimise the development of bronchiectasis and irreversible lung damage.


The NIOX VERO® nNO application can also helpfully rule out any non-PCD cases due to its highly accurate positive predictive value. This could therefore avoid potentially more invasive and expensive PCD testing.


NIOX VERO is the only fully portable device for nNO measurement, and delivers the following:

  • Two options for measuring, either tidal measurement or exhalation against a resistor*
  • 30 second aspiration time
  • Ease of use9
  • Battery and mains powered
  • Documented clinical data for helping to differentiate patients with known PCD from healthy individuals